
The restaurant “Anagennisis” was created in the summer of 2007, in the beautiful village of Koronos in Naxos Island. It’s a family business, whose owners are local residents who invested in their hometown and created a quality and warm place that became a landmark of the wider area.

The symbolic name “Anagennisis” was preferred for a simple reason. During the ’80s, the same family was running a traditional café in the space where the restaurant is currently housed. In 2007, this space was entirely renovated and reborn –hence the name “Anagennisis”, which in Greek means Renaissance.

Quality plays a primary part in the restaurant “Anagennisis” and its owners cannot settle for anything less. The space is comfortable and meticulously decorated, resembling to an old mansion. The view is spectacular and the service impeccable. All the dishes are delectable, carefully prepared and inspired by the authentic Aegean cuisine as well as by the Italian culinary tradition.

Excellent Quality

The owners of the restaurant “Anagennisis” choose the best certified Naxian and Greek ingredients for their dishes. But apart from that, they have a small vegetable garden, just across from the restaurant, where they produce biological vegetables (lettuces, aubergines etc.), part of which are used for the preparation of the dishes. Occasionally, visitors have the chance to see up close the collection of vegetables, something that enriches their agrotourism experience.

During the preparation of the dishes, a real flavor delight is born. It’s like a scene from the movies, where dairy products (gruyere P.D.O., kefalotyri etc.) from certified Naxos cheese factories have the leading role. These are coupled with the standard Greek extra virgin olive oil, fresh vegetables, organic honey and herbs from mountainous Naxos. The final result leaves no one untouched, while the dishes can be accompanied with Aegean produced bottled wine from several Aegean varieties.

The restaurant “Anagennisis” in Koronos Village of Naxos Island is on a side street, off the main road, few meters away from the sculpted bust of Nikiforos Mandilaras.

For enquiries or reservations please contact us.